Turn Back!

No dues.
Few Rules.

We want fun. If you prefer stuffy Oz enjoyment, analyzing the daylights out of
any of the Oz writings, this is probably not the place for you.

No Live Steel. The Winkie Spear is THE main prop that we carry at outings, conventions, and performances. However, to carry an edged weapon in such crowded surroundings is both dangerous and foolhardy. Can't have you here if you can't abide this.

The Legion of Winkies is a costume-oriented club. Any kind of variation of
the Witch's Guard uniform, or creating the look of a Winged/Flying Monkey,
is welcome.

Our members come from different races, different creeds, and different walks
of life. We don't discriminate against anyone-- here, ALL are the same under
the GREEN SKIN. Oh...yellow skin too, if you want to be one of the original
novel's yellow Winkies.

Recruitment. We ask that you find ONE PERSON that might be interested in
being a member; know more than one? Excellent! Bring in a batch!